Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Photography by Moti Ankari of The Metro Man
I'm Wearing:

Shirt (Suit Denmark at Geschwisterliebe Stuttgart)
Sweater (American Apparel)
Shorts (c/o Buffalo Jeans)
Sneakers (New Balance)

The other day I've realized how happy I am, that I now am into tying shirts and sweaters around my waist. I love layering, and that's why I love the fall and spring seasons. But once you're used to that and like it, it is the perfect way to layer in the summer without being hot.

I first had on my striped shirt with the awesome diagonal seam detail in the back, together with my new Buffalo Jeans shorts, which have an awesome blue color if you ask me. My New Balance sneakers went perfectly with that, but that wasn't enough for me, it looked too simple and I wanted to layer, so red sweater it was, obviously coordinated with the shoes.

If you're a fan of layering, this might just be your solution.

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