#BLUEAfrica presents "Love and Social Media"

Friday, September 11, 2015

B.L.U.E.. acronym for Born Leaders Under Enlightenment, is a coalition of 4 african minds with a boiling desire to make an impact and modify the status Quo of mediocrity both within our selves and the environments within which we operate... Considering the young age of the founders, they aim to create a long lasting impact on the lives of as many young people as possible, One thought at a time, by encouraging them to Dream more.. Believe more.. Aim Higher and  inadvertently achieve more. Founded on the the 11th of October 2014.. #BlueAfrica is here to stay...

In the light of the above, they have officially commenced their road show schedule of event, which would involve as many secondary schools and youth based organisations as possible, with a target demographic of ages 13-19.

Their maiden event is scheduled to hold as follows;

Theme: "Love and Social Media"

Date; Sunday,13th September, 2015

Venue: RCCG Citadel of His Glory parish (Teenage Church)... 7th Avenue C close, Festac town, Lagos, Nigeria.

Guest Speaker: Elebe  I. Mervis

The event is scheduled to showcase the relevance of dating, it's pros and cons, as well as the impact of the social media, all as relating to young people.

Are you around the above mentioned area?! Are you excited about the initiative?! Then please come around. Please spread the word, #BLUE is in town... See you there...

#BLUEAFRICA #ItsPossible #YesWeCan #ItcanonlybeGOD

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