Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hey guys, compliments of the season!!!!, How has it been going with you guys, I have been wanting to write, but mehn I have been on energy saving mood lately….So finally I decide to jump on the band wagon and take the bull by the horn mehn, So now am sitting down on my chair with my drink….Yeah!!! Did I tell you guys am a mixologist *wears evil grin*.

Lately, I can’t really discern what’s really wrong with me oo…..It’s like I have been officially admitted in to the YnC crew even though I will say mine is younger and confused. Sometimes I just sit down and begin to ponder over so many things, those worth worrying about and those that ain’t worth, so I decided I was going to write to myself and share it on the blog just in case someone out there needs those words.

Dear Self,

Anytime you are feeling that which you can’t possibly explain to people just do these.
  • ·         Whatever feelings you are feeling now, other people have experienced that and they pulled through.
  • ·         You are not the only person who experiences low EQ most times.
  • ·         You are not the only person who feels shitty most times, so snap out of it.
  • ·         If you are feeling lonely engage yourself in something reasonable.
  • ·         You can watch the stars in the night.
  • ·         You can take a walk.

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  1. Blessings life happens to us all. It is wise to take time to be introspective, take inventory and note lessons learnt. When you are feeling restless in body and spirit it means it’s time to make a change that is positive and life affirming though it may scare you to make that shift. “Transformation does not come without a bit of discomfort.” –D.S.B.S.Rhapsody

    Just browsing through blogspotville and thought I’d stop in to wish you a happy new year.
    May you have more triumphs than trials
    More joy than sorrow
    More support than judgement
    More Inspiration than discouragement
    More resources and access than obstacles
    and may you know through it all
    That you are blessed and a blessing (by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody)


  2. Hello it would be nice if we follow each others blogs and support each other. Let me know when you do and i'll return.


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