Sunday, November 01, 2015

Sometimes I just want to scream,  be sad, show remorse, throw tantrum but I can't.

"I may have so many personalities, but I am not who you think I am"

I am Chiemela Steve, but I am not.

I was born 10th of August in the year everyone regarded as perfect, Am a Leo but am not sure anymore.

Y'all think I may have the perfect life, but it's all fallacy.

The first impression people get about me, is that I am lazy. But, they fail to realize that I love doing my own thing at my own pace.

I despised what I studied during my undergraduate days.

I hated my ex-school, I regretted going there but I would have to withdraw this statement, because I have made some amazing friends, so it hasn't really been a bad experience.

I have a lot of things I'm worried about, so many things scares the hell outta my head but I always wake up every morning, leave my house, and pretend as if all is well.

For a couples of years now, I have lived through the image of "ME" I created a long time ago, The image looks so perfect that many people fail to realise I may have deviated a lot from that image.

Growing up, I would say I have been troubled by so many things, things I have decided to call my demons. Maybe I would suppose it's a characteristic feature of growing up, as the young mind they say craves so many things which at the end of the it may not get.

Looking back at those years while growing up, I began to think have I always been like this, but that question I choose to answer for myself with "Change is always constant". So the earlier I embrace the person am becoming and improve on that individual I would say the better for me.

Thanks for stopping by and Reading.
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  1. Yyyyyyaaaayy! First to Comment! I must say that this eez the best post aYaf read on here! EVER! I mean waRraheLl?! See King Ice be metamorphosing and going all ghen ghen on us.. Frosh! on point... making sense.. Plus your PicShurs are BaDt like eh!

    Brother.. Change is sincerely inevitable.. As manyatimes yeah.. we unconsciously drift away from who we are to who we want to become.. and worse still at some times to who we dont want to become.. So my advice to US is simple.. and here goes... Dear Ice and Duru... It is true that change in itself is inevitable.. But still we have to be cautious of what we change into.. And prevent our ship from losing sight of the shore which matters the most... We have to remeber that family, money, Love and fame are all entities we must simultaneously carry along.. but most impoRRantly Team.. We have to not forget that with GOD is how we will get there... You are not who we Think you are King Ice.. i know.. I can tell.. Cause You are way greater than what we see :)

    Cheers for the frigging past BruVer.. Cheers to the Frigging future my guy. #FamzingModeHacTiFated :)

  2. Nice write up king ice. Reflections!


  3. I am in love with this post. I was so glued to the end I wish it had more. Proud of you son

  4. Firstly, i love the images and then i love this write up.....and yeah no one can know you as much as you know yourself, all we see is the outward appearance even when you are downcast if you choose to make pple see you happy it's possible. You are truly who you are not necessarily what pple think of you.
    Enjoy yourself dearie and keep on growing to be that great and brave man you are becoming. CHEERS!


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