Saturday, November 28, 2015

And our fourth biochemical writer is one beautiful, smart young lady sought after by all and sundry....Hehehehe I see someone smirking, let me catch u first, She is very good with her figurative writing, I really hope she exhibited that in this her piece, If not she must write another one for us abi....Hope y'all are supporting this motion. Anyway enough of my half-baked grammar lets go straight to her piece entitled "MAY DAY". Oya let me give you guys small expo, She said she would write about Religion and Medicine.

Today at about 8:45am she rushes in, he's in her arms and she's screaming......
I'm still in my room staring into my screen lazily, grey's anatomy I'm stuck, intrigued.
Still I hear grandma shout the name of the lord, now this draws my attention and so i run, screams directing.

I see a man hold his son, calling the name of the lord "they won't take you away from me!" "they took her but they won't take you away from me" he says choked with agony. Quite immediate I thought.
Now while all these reactions seem quite appropriate at the moment nothing is being done about the child's condition, my uncle thinks its an attack, I certainly don't know what grandma thinks and the other people there are more clueless than I am, so I take my cousin from my uncle and realize he's running a temperature, he's heart rate is increased and he's almost convulsing. 

My diagnosis: Fever
Prescription: Paracetamol
Now the thing is, it needs to be administered par-enterally 300mg. I  ask my uncle to get his meds, its mostly antibiotics which could be useful at the moment but I don't even know the dosage to administer.
I am scared and confused!
In my confused state I administer 250mg of paracetamol.
She sprinkles oil on his face,dips her index finger in the bottle and presses it on his chest sketching a cross, oil on canvas, oil on skin...
She picks up a white handkerchief and ties it on his head,and she mutters a prayer...right there I think to myself, its of no use, he could die if he's not given medical attention immediately, at 3 his body just can't deal with it, he'll die!!
Just then I forget there's something bigger,someone bigger, all I believe in now is science, that which I can see.
Medicine, that which I can explain.
Where has my belief gone?
Do I not think he's able anymore?
I realize while taking shaky steps to see what's worse, I do not care. science? religion? Just be well little one
And with my gloves on i push the syringe. 
Oluoma Ali.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading her piece, sorry i forgot to mention, she also has a thing for big big grammar, so i hope she didn't use a lot of big big grammar. 

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  1. Nice piece Oma! I also have that awkward feeling that there should be a biochemical explanation/solution to every reaction that occurs in our system! sometimes almost doubting the possibility of a miracle! But the truth is that miracles still happens! And God is still in the business of doing things which science cannot explain!

  2. I like how you write Dear Oluoma.. It feels like a bit of reality and a bit of fiction.. all forming a beautiful write up at the end, and its endearing on all levels.

    Sincerely Nne.. I for one think it is important for us to at all times strike a balance between Religion and Reality.. as while religion is sincere and true.. there are times that all life requires from one is a clear usage of common sense.

    Thanks for sharing Oga Boss Ice.. This was a worthy read.. and the crowd goes... Ooshey Turn uP!


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