Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Out of boredom and trying to engage myself in something positive as usual which I have been doing lately, I went to one familiar spot to cool off, one amazing thing about sitting at that spot is hearing what different say and accessing them, anyway let’s not sound so serious, sitting at that spot too I get to see a lot of girls, Yes I mean lots of them that I even lose count all the time, I get to see girls of different shapes and sizes, but is that really the main thing, well I really don’t know but I think it’s part of it, you know distracting the mind for while feels like you forget all your worries momentarily.

One of these days, I got to encounter a family, from their discussion I think they were waiting one of their family members who was supposed to be defending her M.Sc. After quite a brief observation I found out that the woman had a son and a daughter, their Uncle or Whatever was babysitting them and they also had a bigger Uncle who was also around. So while the kids were playing the Uncle asked the boy do you this place the boy said yes, and the uncle was like you will come here to study Medicine or Engineering.  That didn’t strike me anyway till after one day, it just struck my mind that the typical African parents programs the thoughts of Law, Medicine or Engineering from the time we are very little most times without giving a thought about what we may want. At times we the children just delve into that without even knowing our abilities just in the bid of pleasing our parents, come to think of it do we really have a choice. Cos the typical African parent would rather not pay your fees that let you study that which is not regarded as a “Professional” course.

Looking back to my secondary school days at Federal Government College, Ikot Ekpene, from the time we enter senior secondary we are segregated according to what each of us wants to be in future after series of questions and forms we fill at the Guidance Counsellors office, we are then segregated into the Arts, Pure Sciences, Technical/Engineering and Commercial class. If there was an opportunity to go round the 3 streams which are regarded as science classes 90% if not all of us want to be medical doctors, funny 4 years has gone by now very few of us were able to get into medical school, those of us who didn’t get into medical school in Nigeria due to some certain reasons switched to related courses like Microbiology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy, Biological Sciences, some of us went to the physical sciences and engineering after having lost hope of being doctors while most of us went to chase our dreams outside the shores of our Nation Nigeria.

Fast forward into the main university setting for those who chose alternate pathways you find out that 90% of them want to be medical doctors, using Biochemistry Class of 15 from my school if I got to interview all of them, you get to find out that at one point in life it was medical school or nothing, maybe after writing JAMB once or twice, most people up to four times and couldn’t get into medical school chose the closest cousin which somehow looking at seems to be a very distant cousin, cos I wonder why biochemists wouldn’t be awarded our own medical degree, something instead of the conventional MBBS or MB BCh, we have MB Bs. BCM cos our goddamn curriculum spans the medical school curriculum except for the clinical aspect yet we are marginalized, a graduate of biochemistry who wants to study medicine would undergo and 5years of training learning all the shits I learnt as a biochemist again, we can’t even take a masters degree in Chemical Pathology without a Postgraduate Diploma but someone who took the same course in undergrad would comfortably be admitted for a higher degree in biochemistry.

If a survey was carried out on the students of higher institutions to know the reason why fail, am quite sure the response “I don’t like what am studying would rank highest” which leads to lack of interest on the part of the students, cos the mindset of the student would let me just do this thing, if I can maintain being and average student fine. But at the end of the day it takes more than they realize to be an average student, then failure sets in, which transcends to psychological wreck if not remedied cos most parents would start making comments like “you can’t even do anything”, “you are good for nothing” “look at you, you can’t even pass physics and you want to do electrical electronics engineering or any bloody engineering course out there”, “you can’t even pass biochemistry or microbiology but you want to do medicine’ but they fail to realize when they sub-consciously programmed all them Engineering and Medicine in our heads which even makes us shittier cos once you feel and accept the fact that you are worthless and can’t even excel in those areas, but most times those things are not even our dreams, some of us wants to be zebras, birds carefree not worrying about anything.

About 70% of the people on class even thought toyed with the idea of writing JAMB and going to medical school, while some left us after first year, some of them wrote the JAMB even up till final year, that really translates the passion for the dream. The remainder that pulled through after four years, did your dreams die?

PS: I may not be able to do fashion posts for sometime, my house was burgled on the 2nd of January and my camera and other things were stolen. 

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